



Now, sarcopenia that the amount of muscle decreases significantly with aging has become a problem. Muscles support the human body, which is indispensable to the exercise or walking. If once fall sarcopenia, one of the geriatric syndromes, the risk of falls, fractures, and the bedridden.
In addition, sarcopenia obesity with the decrease of muscle mass and being fat has been found that it increase the risk of life style diseases and decrease the walking ability. Therefore, let’s exercise moderately in order not to fall the muscle if you would be middle-aged and the elderly. 

Just before you go to bed, or just after get out of bed, OK!

Do not consider it difficult, even” there is no time for exercise due to being busy“. For example, in the futon before and after sleep, you can do exercise while lying down.
This time we introduce an easy exercise while lying down.

Exercise to train inner muscle and eliminate stiff shoulder

  1. Lying on your side and stretch out hands and feet.
  2. It rounds the body from the state. Please be aware of the stomach this time.
  3. Then facing the opposite direction, round and stretch as well.
  4. 1 set left and right once. 5 sets is a standard.

Exercise for pelvis correction and preventing lumbago

  1. Make a knee to expand the hand and lie on your back.
  2. Both knees tilt to the left slowly while exhaling, then left alone for about 30 seconds.
  3. Return the both knees to the initial position while inhaling, then left along for about 30 seconds.
  4. 1 set left and right once. 5 sets is a standard.

Exercise to train the thighs and abdominal muscles

  1. Left knee to bend to about 90 degrees, the left hand is placed along the body.
  2. On the other hand, the right foot is stretched, and then the right hand is stretched out to the upward.
  3. As like bike riding, repeat this action with the left and the right. The stretched foot need to float in the air if possible.
  4. 1 set left and right once. 5 sets is a standard.



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