


頭痛 偏頭痛?緊張型?頭痛タイプを知って正しい対処を。

type;migraine or tension-type

There are two main types of headache. They are "tension-type headache" and "migraine", both of which have been known more common in women.
"Tension-type headache", as the stiff neck and shoulders, fatigue, stress are triggered, you have heavy dull pain in the back of the head and neck, temple. Without your noticing, headache begins, lasting a whole day, having pain almost every day. As the name suggests, by the muscles around the shoulder and neck is tense, it becomes a poor blood circulation.
The characteristic of "migraine" is that pain throbbing according to the pulsation of the blood vessels occurs on one side or both sides of the head. It occurs when the expansion of the artery of the brain leads to inflammation in the blood vessels, which stimulates the nerve, generating a pain. Such as stress and hormonal balance disturbance will be the inducement. Before the headache occurs, there are people who see light or become difficult to see things. Sometimes accompanied by nausea and dizziness, it is not uncommon that pain would be worse by moving the body.


"Tension-type headache" is able to improve by relieving the muscle tension and promoting the blood flow. If you warm the body, the muscle is relieved and the blood flow is promoted, resulting in working for a relaxing effect and removing various mental symptoms associated with headache because the parasympathetic nerve in the autonomic nervous system is activated.
Let's turn the shoulders and neck and also check if the height of the pillow is correct. In addition, it is important to smooth the blood itself in order to improve the blood flow. It is also important to take natto, mackerel and sardines actively.
On the other hand, "migraine" is, by the interruption in circulation of blood in an artery of the brain, when it began to return to the original, the pain occurs at the dilation of the blood vessels. If warm the body, the blood flow in the brain would be better, then on the contrary, it would promote the pain.
In this case, in order to reduce the inflammation of a blood vessel, cool back of the head and neck with the cold towel and rest lying down.
 It would be better to drink green tea or coffee since caffeine is to constrict the blood vessels.

When tension-type headache or migraine is not known, if the two types of headache were mixed, you’d better receive the medical examination by a medical specialist instead of judgment by yourself. 



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